Thursday, March 7, 2013

Barack Obama -- Bona Fides

Barack Obama -- Bona Fides

Some skeptical readers suggest that since they haven't seen the fraudulent documents, that they may not really exist.   While these documents have been presented in courts, in media briefings, and are in many locations on the web, the Libs selectively refuse to recognize their authenticity since the White House and its propaganda Media have intentionally ignored them.

I too find it difficult to believe.  But with the concrete evidence available both in print and the anti-American Regime actions, it is obvious the there has been a Coup much larger and more damaging than Watergate.

The figure head of this Coup is an illegal, undocumented Regime Leader which is recognized as the leader of a legitimate government. He has presented 2 forged birth certificates. He is using a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS (additional evidence shown here).  He has the full arm of the Injustice Department, He has appointed two members to the Supreme Court, and He has the Progressive Underground and the Progressive Congress to cover His illegalities.

You should consider too that this Coup is funded and endorsed by many of America's enemies which stand to gain by the reduction of America's power, principle, and leadership.

As my ol Pappy said, "Convince a Man Against His Will, He's of the Same Opinion Still!"

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