Friday, March 22, 2013

"Selections" Replace "Elections" in Obama Times

Selections In the Politically Correct Society of Obama Times?

Do Race, Color, Looks, Big Ears, Teleprompter Lies, and False Intentions trump Character, Morality, Honesty, Virtue, and Patriotism in Obama Times?

In 2008, an Illegal, Undocumented, Radical, Anti-Constitutional Obama/Davis/Soetoro/? "won" the election with nothing more than the slogan "Hope and Change."

Pre Obama Times:  (Pre 2008)

LIBS had, and still have, Political Correct as their Religion.
LIBS had, and still have, the Obama Media to misrepresent, cover, and present the Obama Propaganda as LIBS instructs them to do.    
LIBS had, and still have, the Soros Machine for Money and "Hidden" Control.
LIBS had, and still have, Saudi Arabia Oil Money to finance campaigns.
LIBS had, and still have, Center for Anti-American Politics running the show, but now from the inside.
LIBS must have had, and still have, the Clinton UnEthical Underground guiding and directing the Obama "Change."

Obama Times  (2008--    )

LIBS have the Holder Injustice Department protecting Voter Fraud and adding Illegal Voters.
LIBS have the Holder "Courts" creating laws and protecting the guilty.
LIBS have the Holder ATF providing weapons to cartels.
LIBS have the Holder ICE recruiting voters from abroad.
LIBS have the SuSpineless Court to make and verify Unconstitutional Law.
LIBS have the Homeland Insecurity flooding the voter rolls with Illegal's.
LIBS have the Health and Inhumane Services selectively intimidating the voter.
LIBS have the Health and Insurance Destruction Act (ObamaCare) to ration Voter's welfare.
LIBS have the Dudd Frank Legislation as a revenue intimidation means.
LIBS have the Federal Preserve funding unlawful projects.
LIBS have the NonDefense Department raising revenue overseas.
LIBS have the CY(I)A Department to hide, or alter, inconvenient truths.
LIBS have the EPA selectively extorting funds from business.
LIBS have the ORS (formally the IRS) selectively collecting funds.
LIBS have the No-Opposition Party to present the "opposition".
LIBS have the Congressional "NoEthics" Panels to hide Ethics Violations.
LIBS have the Debt Machine cranking to bankrupt America.
LIBS have the SOL Department surrendering in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, etc.

Your time to Elect which society you want to live in has past.  

Elections didn't work for America's interest in Pre Obama Times much less in Obama Times!

America will have "Selections" in Obama Times.  

God Bless America

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