Thursday, August 15, 2013

The New York Times Exposes the Clinton Foundation?

The New York Times takes down the Clinton Foundation. This could be devastating for Bill and Hillary – Telegraph Blogs

Bills has always been the devious mastermind.  I suspect he is a bigger player in Liberal Politics than he is given credit for in Main Stream Media.  His connections with Fulbright, Oxford, White House, surviving the Monica Affair, and his LIBERAL Offspring Everywhere has allowed him, and his cronies, to capitalize on his failures more than his successes to acquire power. 

He along with Soros and others have set up money laundering programs to advance the Liberal/Destructive Agenda you see in place today and that helped select Obama for office and replace Elections with Selections.  They helped establish the policies that would work to get an Undocumented, Illegal Puppet Selected as Resident in Chief. 

Ultimately they may regret it, but for now they have the Power.

(Does Obamacare look anything like Hillarycare?)  I'll bet the same people wrote both legislation.

This type of legislation is required for Total Control of your Subjects.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they recognize that Hillary's a looser. Heck, she couldn't even beat a fraudulent documented puppet with no experience.

    Maybe the Shadow Regime has seen the light early in this Selection.
