Monday, August 5, 2013

US Security Policy?

NSA defenders: embassy closures followed pre-9/11 levels of 'chatter' | World news | The Guardian

 The Regime US Security Policy is on Offense only against the US.   It is primarily defensive or non existent outside the US when It's Show Time?

Regime Offensive Program:
1.  Open Borders for Immigration and Liberal voters.
2.  Treat Terrorist, if you are forced to capture them, as common criminals and protect their rights  (Workplace Violence)  Make sure they get paid, wear the right clothes and don't have a beard.  Delay "justice" when it's obvious.  Capture terrorist to hide (protect) them.
3.  Challenge lawful court decisions as racists decisions to promote divide and conquer.
4.  Monitor and selectively release NSA or IRS data when politically beneficial.
5.  Monitor all Citizens, but deny doing it until caught.  Then feature it by closing embassy's to illustrate how valuable NSA and IRS is to monitor 'Chatter'.
6.  Taylor offensive strategy against American people with subversive legislation, Regime control, weakened military, and monetary deficit. 
7.  Staff Regime with only Regime loyalists.
8.  Make Selections appear as Elections.
9.  Have former allies release terrorist prior to negotiating with terrorist.
10.  Release Gitmo Terrorist and facilitate the release of terrorist in Foreign prisons (Iraq).
11.  Provide weapons to cartels and probable adversaries.
12.  Lie a lot, so people don't know who they can trust.
13.  Increase the Dependent Class in the US and stack the Courts.
14.  Discredit any real media left (radio).
15.  Eliminate all Regime opposition.

The Ultimate Goal--
Eliminate The US Constitution and it's Institutions and establish a REGIME WITH TOTAL CONTROL


1 comment:

  1. The Key to National Security?
    The incoming national security advisor, Susan Rice, chaired a meeting on Saturday at the White House and was expected to further brief Obama, who was celebrating his 52nd birthday on Sunday.
